Family Fit Day at CrossFit of Aces took place on April 8, 2017. The event featured short workouts (workout of the day, or WOD) that were designed for all ages, along with some fun games just for the parents to do while the kids get to watch and cheer them on.
Family Fit Day WOD 1: Running, Box Jumps, and Kettle Bell Swings
The version of this WOD for the pre-k level was definitely the cutest: bear crawl across the gym, do 5 box jumps, then “press the sky” 5 times. These moves are scaled versions of the “adult” movements of running, box jumps and an overhead press, so this “workout” seems more like playtime.

Bear crawls for the pre-k (and their parents)

Box jumps for the pre-k set = jumping onto a bumper plate

When you are trying to work out, but the paparazzi keep distracting you…
The CrossFit Kids and the Athletic performance group had a more advanced version of this WOD, but still appropriate for their age levels. Both groups ran, did box jumps (or step ups), and kettle bell swings. While both the CrossFit Kids and the Athletic Performance kids did kettle bell swings, appropriate weights were chosen for each individual child participating

Box jumps or step ups for the Athletic performance group

The CrossFit Kids group take off for their 100 m run

Kettle bell swings for the CrossFit Kids and the Athletic Performance kids
Break Time = Parent Games
The kids took a break after their hard work, and the reward for that hard work was a game demonstrated by two of the adults. The object of the game was to knock all the plastic cups off the box – using a ball attached to a string that must be suspended from the head. The competition was fierce, and the victory was celebrated!

Parent Games!

Heather Thompson, co-owner of CrossFit of Aces, celebrates her victory
Family Fit Day WOD 2: Running, Sit Ups, Squats
The running in this WOD was applicable to all age groups, but with a little twist. For the pre-k group, the parents ran with the child in their arms. For the CrossFit Kids group, the child was carried on his or her parent’s back while running 100 m. I imagine one half of the duo enjoyed this run slightly more that the other half! The parents of the Athletic Performance kids were spared from hauling their big kids on their backs. Instead the kids paired up, taking turns holding a sandbag for the 100 m run.

Scott Thompson, co-owner of CrossFit of Aces, carries two kiddos as part of the WOD

The CrossFit Kids group were carried on their parents back. This was probably more enjoyable for one half of the team…

CrossFit mom and CrossFit kid enjoy a 100 m run together

Athletic Performance kids take turns carrying a sandbag for their 100 m run

A Pre-k athlete get a helping hand from mom with sit ups

A pre-k version of thrusters – super cute!

Lots of sit ups and goblet squats getting done by the CrossFit kids and their parents
Break Time = Parent Games, Part 2
I try not to have favorites, but I have to admit this little activity was probably the highlight of the event for me. Two parents were blindfolded, while three parents held fruit suspended on string above the blindfolded parents. The participants raced to see who could eat the fruit suspended above them first!

The fruit clothes line was fun for everyone

The fruit may have been a moving target at times…
Family Fit Day WOD 3 – Rowing and Burpees
The pre-k group got a break for the last WOD, but the CrossFit kids and Athletic Performance groups continued with a WOD that consisted of four rounds of rowing and burpees.

A CrossFit kid gets some coaching on the rower from mom

Participants from the CrossFit Kids and Athletic Performance groups rowing

Coach Catherine Lewis, master of ceremonies for the day’s fun, finishes burps with an Athletic Performance participant
Family Fit Day was truly fun for all ages. If you would like some more information on CrossFit Kids, have a look at the CrossFit of Aces website. If you would like more information on photography services for your next event, click on our contact form for more information.